Today is Miner’s Day and Donetsk Day. Congratulations to all involved, hang in there! @OpenUkraine – 🇺🇦 Open Ukraine | Открытая Украина
TRANSLATION : Today is Miner’s Day and Donetsk Day. Congratulations to all involved, hang in there! @OpenUkraine Source : 🇺🇦 Open Ukraine | Открытая Украина Link : Date : 2022-08-28T19:53:37.000Z ORIGINAL : Сегодня день шахтера и день Донецка. Поздравляем всех причастных, держитесь там! @OpenUkraine
“As a result of a missile attack on Sarny in the Rivne region, in addition to a military facility, 30 houses and a regional hospital were damaged by the shock wave.” -Governor Vitaliy Koval Well at – Donbass Devushka
TRANSLATION : “As a result of a missile attack on Sarny in the Rivne region, in addition to a military facility, 30 houses and a regional hospital were damaged by the shock wave.” -Governor Vitaliy Koval Well at least there is one honest person in Ukraines leadership. Source : Donbass Devushka Link : Date […]
– Оперативные сводки
TRANSLATION : Source : Оперативные сводки Link : Date : 2022-08-28T19:56:22.000Z ORIGINAL :
TRANSLATION : Source : ZERGULIO🇷🇺 Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:13:19.000Z ORIGINAL :
Forwarded from Levi Zelensky dismissed Deputy Commander of the National Guard Yaroslav Spodar The purge continues 🌝 – Donbass Devushka
TRANSLATION : Forwarded from Levi Zelensky dismissed Deputy Commander of the National Guard Yaroslav Spodar The purge continues 🌝 Source : Donbass Devushka Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:21:17.000Z ORIGINAL : Forwarded from Levi Zelensky dismissed Deputy Commander of the National Guard Yaroslav Spodar The purge continues 🌝
A Ukrainian kamikaze drone was shot down over the territory of Zaporizhzhya NPP, its target was a spent nuclear fuel storage facility. After the provocation with the kamikaze drone, Ukrainian tr – Оперативные сводки
TRANSLATION : A Ukrainian kamikaze drone was shot down over the territory of Zaporizhzhya NPP, its target was a spent nuclear fuel storage facility. After the provocation with the kamikaze drone, Ukrainian troops used flare mines near the Zaporizhzhia NPP to create smoke to facilitate further use of the UAV. @opersvodki Source : Оперативные сводки […]
Hello. An example of modern art and the “education” of the younger generation. The photos show an installation from 2021 in the House of Writers in Peredelkino. – ZERGULIO🇷🇺
TRANSLATION : Hello. An example of modern art and the “education” of the younger generation. The photos show an installation from 2021 in the House of Writers in Peredelkino. Source : ZERGULIO🇷🇺 Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:13:19.000Z ORIGINAL : Здравствуйте. Пример современного искусства и “воспитания” подрастающего поколения. На фотографиях инсталяция 2021 г. в Доме […]
Kharkiv was well hit, we should also add TelegramTurned on Z war 🇷🇺 Rocket attack on the regional administration building in Kharkiv. At the beginning of March, they h – ZERGULIO🇷🇺
TRANSLATION : Kharkiv was well hit, we should also add TelegramTurned on Z war 🇷🇺 Rocket attack on the regional administration building in Kharkiv. At the beginning of March, they had already buried the tero-defense with a missile strike there. Source : ZERGULIO🇷🇺 Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:13:19.000Z ORIGINAL : По Харькову хорошо […]
Two videos of the Energodar bombing. An ammunition fell in one of the apartments of a high-rise building. Cars are burning at the foot of the building. – Donbass Insider
TRANSLATION : Two videos of the Energodar bombing. An ammunition fell in one of the apartments of a high-rise building. Cars are burning at the foot of the building. Source : Donbass Insider Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:00:59.000Z ORIGINAL : Deux vidéos du bombardement d’Energodar. Une munition est tombée dans l’un des appartements d’un […]
– Donbass Devushka
TRANSLATION : Source : Donbass Devushka Link : Date : 2022-08-28T20:21:17.000Z ORIGINAL :