TDLR is the domain connected to aggregation of russian telegram channels.

The content aggregated on this website comes from a selection of Russian telegram channels

This section of the website, its front-page, is the second iteration run by OSINTukraine project to extract and archive russian telegram posts outside of telegram.

This section also feed the twitter tracking tool @telehuntwatch used by researchers, activists and supporters of Ukraine to keep an eye on russian disinformation narratives.

This section of the website is the first iteration at making telegram content accessible outside of telegram.

The result is then piped into a Google Translate URL that will allow you to scroll down telegram content with built-in google translations to the language of your choice, not just English.

Next Steps

Categorize and flag posts on our database according to 3 criteria :

  • Disinformation
  • Misinformation
  • Propaganda

If a post is proved to be associated with a particular social media or mainstream media to influence perception, these posts will be tagged and referenced to a specific campaign that can traced back to its origin.

  • Campaign Attribution

A team of volunteers that have experience in the field is going to scroll the database backward and forward and label posts according to this methodology.