Energodar, they say, is under fire. Fires are being put out. Apparently, civilians are also being hit. Multistory buildings. Cars are burning near the entrances. The Ukrainians are terrorists. – Охранитель

Energodar, they say, is under fire. Fires are being put out. Apparently, civilians are also being hit.
Multistory buildings. Cars are burning near the entrances. The Ukrainians are terrorists.
Source : Охранитель
Link : https://t.me/rusmonstr/31123
Date : 2022-08-28T19:59:04.000Z



Энергодар, пишут, подвергается обстрелу. Пожары тушат. Очевидно, бьют и по гражданским.

Многоэтажки. Горят машины у подъездов. Укры – террористы.