Forwarded from RIA Novosti Five civilians were wounded as a result of shelling of Energodar by Ukrainian troops, the city’s authorities told RIA Novosti. The shelling came from American M777 howi – Astra Militarum [Z]

Forwarded from RIA Novosti Five civilians were wounded as a result of shelling of Energodar by Ukrainian troops, the city’s authorities told RIA Novosti.

The shelling came from American M777 howitzers from Nikopol, authorities said.
Source : Astra Militarum [Z]
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Date : 2022-08-28T20:53:48.000Z

Forwarded from РИА Новости

Пять мирных жителей ранены в результате обстрела Энергодара со стороны украинских войск, сообщили РИА Новости власти города.

Обстрел велся из американских гаубиц М777 из Никополя, отметили власти.