Our friends, Maria Pavlova, journalist, PhD in history and news anchor of the ANNA-NEWS news agency, has started her own news channel. We offer to support it by subscribing. She has live broadcasts wi – Охранитель

Our friends, Maria Pavlova, journalist, PhD in history and news anchor of the ANNA-NEWS news agency, has started her own news channel. We offer to support it by subscribing. She has live broadcasts with experts and the final news release every day.

Source : Охранитель
Link : https://t.me/rusmonstr/31180
Date : 2022-08-29T16:03:58.000Z


Друзья! Журналист , кандидат исторических наук, ведущая новостей агентства ANNA-NEWS Мария Павлова стала вести свой новостной канал. Предлагаем поддержать его подпиской. У неё прямые эфиры с экспертами и итоговый выпуск новостей каждый день.
